Teaching Cultural Compassion

Teaching Cultural Compassion
in an era of righteous anger

You might notice that much of my work is about raising awareness of picture books featuring children of color.  The main purpose of my work is to raise children who see the humanity of all of their neighbors--and so eventually we have adults who see all people that way, too.  If the police officers involved in the latest killing of an African-American man would have seen him as truly human, the kind of force they used would not have been excusable in their minds.  Humans just don't treat other humans that way.

I am not a psychologist and I am not a parenting expert.  But what I can offer in this time are thoughts from the people who are and thoughts from community leaders of color.  Here are some suggestions about how to talk to your children in this time:

I commend all parents who are even attempting to have this conversation with your children.  It truly needs to be had.  I will continue to be here for any support or book finding you might need.  Together, we can teach our children to love their neighbors--no matter what they look like--and we can stop the cycle of racism.


PS, Keep coming back, I'm adding more resources as I hear about them!!